This checklist is designed for UK investors. However, most Principles will apply to everyone.
The Principles
- Aim to save and invest at least +20% of your net income.
- Save enough to be able to live on say 5% of your capital base in retirement, depending on age and expenditure needs.
- ‘Savings’ are cash backed and guaranteed.
- ‘Investments’ have the potential to make ‘real’ returns (ie above inflation), as well as lose value (property or stock prices can be volatile in the short term).
- ‘Time in the market’ is more important than ‘timing the market’, so take a +5-10 year view when investing.
- Compound interest is ‘the most powerful force in the universe’ (Einstein). 7% pa doubles your money roughly every 10 years. The longer you invest, the better.
- Financial markets are cyclical, so be prepared for periodic falls in asset prices, just like your house value.
- Inflation will erode the real value of cash, so you will need to ‘invest’.
- ‘Invest’ means putting cash into assets such as bonds, shares in companies (public and private), property, commodities.
- Develop a diversified portfolio of assets that will perform for you in all market conditions more often than not.
- Bonds are loans to companies and governments. Equities are shares in a company and their future profits.
- Some advisers recommend % in equities = 100% minus your age i.e. 60% in equities if 40 years old.
- Diversification of investments reduces risk and can also improve returns but don’t over-diversify and dilute potential returns.
- Diversification will also help you ‘stay invested’ rather than panic and sell when markets become bearish.
- From 1996-2015 the US stock market returned an average 8.2% pa but just 4.5% pa if you removed just the best 10 days, so stay invested.
- ‘Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful’ (Warren Buffett) ie buy low, sell high.
- Consider low cost ‘passive’ Exchange Traded Funds (‘ETFs’) for some investments eg iShares and Vanguard ETFs.
- Be aware of investment costs and try to keep them below 1% pa.
- Performance cannot be guaranteed but aim for +3% pa above inflation over the longer term.
- Be tax efficient when investing, so cash works harder and compounds faster.
- If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
- Keep it simple.
- Keep learning, keep earning.
The Practical
- Keep at least 1 year’s (ideally 3 years) expenditure in readily available cash – your ‘rainy day fund’.
- Place cash with at least 2 secure banks. Cash is only protected by FSCS up to £85k per bank per person in UK.
- Aim to achieve close to ‘Base rate’ on your cash.
- Save with National Savings (NS&I) which is government backed and may offer competitive rates on cash.
- Invest up to £20,000 per annum in ISAs (tax free).
- Invest up to £9,000 per annum in JISAs for kids (tax free).
- Invest into pensions each year, especially if employer matches (tax relief on contributions and tax free fund).
- Invest up to £50,000 surplus cash into NS&I Premium Bonds (prizes are tax free).
- Wealthier investors can consider riskier Enterprise Investment Schemes (30% tax relief on up to £1m invested).
- Make use of your annual CGT and dividend allowances.
- Consider regular, say monthly, investing and benefit from ‘pound/dollar cost averaging’.
- File Wills and have supporting Letter of Wishes plus consider POA.
- Consider Offshore Investment Bonds (‘OIBs) only after ISAs and pensions maximised.
- Think about ‘gifting’ assets to family or charity and reduce IHT once you have reached financial security.
- Consider Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or ‘index trackers’ for low cost investment options eg iShares and Vanguard.
- Wealthier investors can consider trusts for controlled gifting and IHT planning – get professional advice.
- Get advice if you need it. Ask for references.
- Keep informed on financial market news with the Financial Times.
- Check financial product offers in Sunday Times and fund ideas in Investors Chronicle.
- Read relevant books – see Books section on this website.
- Develop a wealth plan, review it annually, and take control of your financial future.
- Example portfolio: iShares IGWD World Equities ETF or HSBC FTSE All World Index ETF (60%), iShares SGLN Gold ETF (10%), Ruffer Diversified Return Fund (30%). Plus your cash accounts.